InPol Heritage represents the legacy of the late Pathos co-founder, designer and inventor of InPol, Engineer Giani Borinato.
The team of Pathos technical designers pushed themselves to the very highest level with this unprecedented project; an enormous amount of time was spent with this product, which is characterized by components of the highest quality and the customary absence of compromises.
InPol (Inseguitore Pompa Lineare – Linear Pump Follower) is a system patented by Pathos Acoustics which has enjoyed great success and won many awards.
Inpol devices have a special sonic personality obtainable only by means of this particular circuit design – fully balanced in Class A using a single solid state component in follower configuration, with high current gain and with voltage gain together. The valve amplifier amplifies the input signal voltage and InPol supplies the current to drive the loudspeakers without any further amplification. In this way the signal is entrusted to the valves and becomes a true copy of the original, with all the quality, purity and harmonic content of the original.
This technology allows an increase in the theoretical output in pure Class A of between 25% and 50% together with a low output impedance which is fundamental for the damping factor, and further improved by the double InPol.
Available exclusively for your listening pleasure in Toronto at My Kind of Music.